Site Sir Henry Tombs VC

Date of birth: 
10th October 1824
2nd August 1874
Honourable East India Company Forces
Brevet Major
2nd Troop, 1st Brigade, Bengal Horse Artillery
Indian Mutiny
VC Awarded: 
9th July 1857
Awarded posthumously: 


Horse Artillery, Indian Army. One of his subalterns, Lieutenant James Hills, was on picquet duty when he heard a rumour that a force of rebel cavalry was approaching. As he moved to a better vantage point, the rebels appeared out of nowhere. Hills charged alone at the enemy column. He cut down one and struck a second, but was thrown from his horse. Three men then came at him; he wounded one with his pistol, caught the lance of another in his hand and slashed at him with his sword. The third man took Hills’ sword and was about to kill him when Tombs arrived, saw what was happening, and shot the rebel at 30 paces, thus saving Hills’ life. Tombs and Hills then went together to attend to the wounded men. Before long they were confronted by a rebel carrying Hills’ pistol and brandishing a sword. He ran at Hills, cutting him about the head. Tombs rushed in and put his sword through the man, saving Hills again, but not before he too had been slashed about the head. Both men were awarded the VC. Tombs was ADC to Queen Victoria.

Brazier, Kevin. The Complete Victoria Cross: A Full Chronological Record of All Holders of Britain's Highest Award for Gallantry (pp. 210-211). Pen & Sword Books. Kindle Edition.

Grave Restoration

Victoria Cross Trust
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