The Percy Welton MC Project

The passion to remember Percy Welton MC buried in Wrexham was personified in Jim, a 94 year old who had mentioned to Claire Lewis of the RBL that it broke his heart to see the state of his hero’s grave, he likes to visit and pay his respects with a poppy cross. The VCT saw Claire's Tweet asking for help and stepped into to affect a restoration of Percy Welton MC's grave on Wednesday 27th July 2023. On the following day Jim visited and we revealed the restoration and held a short service with representatives from the RWF in attendance.

The pictures tell the story.

The grave is of Major Percy Welton, Military Cross recipient who died in 1923. He had a long and varied career with the Royal Welch Fusiliers, joining the ranks in 1896 he served continuously until 1919, retiring with the rank of Major. From 1898 to 1914 he served abroad in China, Burma and India with the 2nd Battalion. His interest in sport was unfailing and it was largely due to his efforts that the battalion was successful in winning the Regimental Boxing Championship of India on three occasions. He received his commission in the early days of the Great War and before the end of it had attained the rank of Major. He was wounded by a sniper at Fromelles in France and also wounded at the battle of Loos.  He was wounded again at Mametz Wood on the Somme when with the 17th Battalion. He  was awarded the Military Cross and gazetted on the 12/01/1918. His connection with the regiment did not cease after the war, for he assumed the duties of Recruiting Officer for the Regimental Area, in which capacity he served until a fortnight before his death.

Victoria Cross Trust
22-28 Westmall
Frenchgate Shopping Centre
St Sepulchre Gate
Charitable Company Limited By Guarantee
Registration No 08143560
Registered Charity No 1149454
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